Career, relationship, family, and mobility - it is definitely not easy to deal with so many different priorities at once. So the five Styrian universities and the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt have joined forces and set up the so called “Dual Career Service” at each institution to assist you in these matters

Illustrationen: Gudrun Jöller

Our Dual Career Couples

Pictures: / © Dual Career Service Styria - Carinthia / © Universität Graz


As far as area is concerned, Styria is the second-largest federal state of Austria and with regard to population the fourth-largest. Styria is divided into several regions – the largest one by area is in the north, called “Obersteiermark” (Upper Styria). To the south, west of the river Mur, there is “Weststeiermark” (Western Styria). “Oststeiermark” (Eastern Styria) is located south of the “Wechsel” and the “Fischbacher Alpen”, east of the river Mur. And between “Oststeiermark” and “Weststeiermark” there is Graz, the capital of Styria.


Styria is also called the “Green State” or the ”Green Heart of Austria”, because 57.2% of the land area are covered with wood and one fourth of the total area consists of meadows, pastures, orchards, and vineyards



Carinthia is the most southern province of Austria. In the northeast it borders on the federal states of Tyrol, Salzburg and Styria and in the south on Italy and also Slovenia. There are over 200 lakes in Carinthia, from the small quarry pond to the largest one, called lake Wörthersee, with the capital of Carinthia – Klagenfurt – on its bank. The mountain regions range from North Carinthia (with the Hohe Tauern and its highest peak, the Großglockner) to the Runden Nocken of the Nockberge and is a popular destination for the young and the young at heart.

Pictures: / © Dual Career Service Styria - Carinthia / © Universität Graz




Well trained couples strive for common success in their careers, happiness in their relationship, and the possibility to commonly deal with family affairs such as child care and upbringing and family care. 

The fact that universities no longer can do without female managerial staff is one main reason for establishing the dual career service at the Styrian universities. 


According to various studies, especially female scientists give up their own careers for family reasons. Crucial criteria for scientists and artists to take on a job at a university in a completely new environment are, amongst others, a certain scope for personal development in the fields of research and education, appropriate infrastructure, and professional perspectives for partners. So the dual career service will develop all the necessary conditions to make the universities attractive for both national and international scientists and artists. 

Nowadays more and more men make their job decisions with regard to compatibility of family and career. 


We will contribute vastly to a better compatibility of family and career with this trend-setting dual career service and the planned objectives for the advancement of women. 



Dual Career Couples an Hochschulen: Zwischen Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politik by Julika Funk, Elke Gramespacher and Iris Rothäusler, published by Barbara Budrich (paper-bound - June 16th, 2010)


"Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun...": Ideal und Realität sozialer (Un)Gleichheit in Dual Career Couples by Heike Solga, published by Budrich (paperback - May 1st, 2005)


Männerwelten - Frauenwelten: Dual Career Couples im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich by Mandy Boehnke, published by Dr. Müller (paper-bound - September  9th, 2007)


Mobilitätsanforderungen an Dual Career Couples: Auslandsentsendungen als eine besondere Problematik der DCCs aus Unternehmenssicht by Catharina Warm, published by Grin Verlag (paper-bound - September 2008)


Publikationen der Europäischen Akademie für Frauen in der Politik und Wirtschaft Berlin 

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Dual Career Service - Erkenntnisse für Hochschulen

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